Richard Dutton
Richard Dutton has recently retired from the Department of English at Ohio State University, where he spent the last thirteen years of his career. For twenty-nine years before that he was at Lancaster University in the UK. He was for several years chair of both departments. He is best known for his work on early modern dramatic censorship and on Ben Jonson, and his work has been supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities (US), the Arts and Humanities Research Board (UK), and the Folger and Huntington Libraries. His most recent publications include (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theatre (2009), the edition of Volpone in The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson (2012), and Shakespeare, Court Dramatist (2016). A more detailed record of his publications can be found here.
For the Oxford Marston he is editing The Malcontent.